About Us

About Us

Our Story

Founded in 2002, Memory Care Home Solutions serves the greater St. Louis community. Founder & Executive Director, Lisa Baron, discovered a gap in care partner preparedness when personally navigating the care partner role. As her family struggled with the daily challenges to support her mother-in-law, who had Alzheimer’s disease, Lisa observed the lack of individualized services to help families navigate the journey of caring for a loved one at home. In response, she founded MCHS with expert guidance from researchers and physicians at the Washington University Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center.

Our Mission

Our Mission

Memory Care Home Solutions (MCHS) exists to improve dignity and quality of life for people living with dementia and their families by transforming evidence-based interventions into accessible healthcare solutions.

Our Values

We provide in-home training on convenient, affordable, easy-to-implement solutions to make home and daily life safer, less stressful and more meaningful. We work diligently to provide our services to all people who can benefit, and we welcome the participation of our community in the work of Memory Care Home Solutions.

We equip families with caregiving skills and strategies, knowledge of the dementia disease process, and helpful resources and tools to manage difficult behaviors and symptoms. It is our goal to help families feel more prepared and confident for their important contributions as care partners.

We deliver individualized, family-centered, caring service, that respects, honors, and validates the contributions of care partners, with a focus on the underserved.

We utilize evidence-based methods, quality measures, and outcomes analysis to provide the highest level of service, professionalism, and results to our clients and partners. We are deeply committed to responsible stewardship of the organization’s assets and resources.

We actively listen and partner with families, with our inter-disciplinary staff, with the community of healthcare and aging providers, and with donors, funding sources, volunteers, and academic experts in the fields of dementia and aging. We customize opportunities for giving and serving within the organization.

Our Vision

All people living with dementia and their care partners will have access to an exceptional standard of care to live with dignity on their own terms.

Our Leadership & Staff

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